Saturday, June 13, 2009

Japan's 'Smart' Fashion Magazines

Smart Magazine: Cover is a photograph of the electopop group Perfume.

As a follow up to my not so newfound love for Asian street fashion I bought my first Japanese men's fashion magazine in Midtown the other day! What a sensory overload! The Japanese really know how to catch a reader's attention with pages upon pages filled with pictures. It was brilliantly overwhelming to flip through the magazine and see all the different styles Japanese men are wearing or aspiring to wear. Though I didn't understand a word of it, I totally connected with the images.

 The particular magazine I bought is aptly named 'Smart' magazine (first picture). It features everyday men's street fashion in it's 'Snap On The Street" section. This edition had a Tokyo vs. Osaka "fashion-off." Tokyo won of course (at least that's what I'm guessing it said).

In my opinion, it seems that Japanese fashion magazines on a whole are different than American fashion magazines in that they are better at selling the 'fashion as a lifestyle' ideology. Whereas Vogue may be filled with beautifully shot ads and glamorous editorials, 'Smart' is filled with tutorials on how to achieve a certain hairstyle, or how to wear clothes to render a certain look. These how-to guides may take up a couple pages in an American fashion magazine but Japanese magazines are full to the brim with them! 

Going along with the fashion for the common man theme, there is less time devoted to high fashion in Japanese magazines which can be a relief from the sometimes overbearing fashion houses. 

Here are a few recommendations for the adventurous magazine reader (if there still are magazine readers):


  1. i agree with your arguement here, but there's so much eye-widening surgery in these pages, i couldn't really pay attention to anything else.

  2. haha maybe that's a phenomena I'll address in another post!


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